Women, Peace and Security Digest: May 2024

Welcome to Our Secure Future’s monthly Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Digest, “the done for you” newsletter on WPS. Every month we curate the latest articles and reports on intersectional, cross-cutting issues focused on women’s rights, and international peace and security matters. Here's what we found in the month of May.

Climate Change 

Climate change doesn’t have to result in greater gender inequity in the Caribbean (Atlantic Council)  

“The Caribbean is one of world’s most vulnerable regions to the effects of climate change. Hurricanes and strong tropical storms, changing precipitation patterns, and sea level rise disproportionately affect Caribbean economies and citizens—and none of the latter more than its women and girls.” 

Gender-transformative climate literacy: A policy framework for a more green and resilient Bhutan (Brookings) 

“In Bhutan, as temperatures rise, the country has become increasingly vulnerable to a multitude of climate-related threats and disasters like glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs), with implications for the well-being of all and with heightened risk for girls and women (NCWC and UNDP 2020).” 

Seaweed holds huge potential to bring economic, climate and gender benefits (UN Trade & Development)  

“The ocean crop can significantly improve sustainable livelihoods for small-scale farmers and harvesters and empower women in coastal communities, particularly in Asia and Africa.” 

The Gendered Impacts of Climate Change: climate justice and women take center stage at the G20 (G20 Brasil 2024)  

“According to a report by UN Women, by 2050, climate change is projected to push an additional 158 million women and girls into poverty and 236 million women into hunger. This significant finding was discussed during the inaugural face-to-face meeting of the Women's Empowerment Working Group. The tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul was among the items on the agenda.” 

Advancing Gender Equality in Climate Action: Gender Assessment of Climate and Environmental Laws in the Philippines (International Development Law Organization) 

“While significant strides have been made in recent decades with the enactment of laws addressing climate change, environmental degradation, and gender equality, there are still areas requiring reform to fully address existing gaps in legislation that continue to persist and deny women climate justice.” 


Message Guide: Women, Peace and Security and Technology (Our Secure Future) 

“The digital ecosystem permeates almost every aspect of daily life, yet many facets of the technological landscape do not take a gender perspective into account. Our Secure Future’s latest publication outlines the key gender blindspots within the technology space and the opportunities to create a safer and more equal digital ecosystem through the application of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda.” 

Thailand: State-backed digital violence used to silence women and LGBTI activists (Amnesty International)  

“Women and LGBTI activists in Thailand are being subjected to an online onslaught of abusive speech laced with misogynistic, homophobic and transphobic language, sexualized content and other forms of technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TfGBV), Amnesty International said in a new report released today.” 

Artificial Intelligence and gender equality (UN Women)  

“Although globally more women are accessing the internet every year, in low-income countries, only 20 per cent are connected. The gender digital divide creates a data gap that is reflected in the gender bias in AI.” 

‘Gender bias in AI’ impacts technology use on the battlefield, UN expert warns (UN News) 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing and raising concerns on the battlefield, particularly lethal autonomous weapons systems, commonly known as “killer robots”. 

UNESCO report spotlights harmful effects of social media on young girls (UN News) 

In an interview with UN News, senior policy analyst from the GEM report team Anna D’Addio said the issue of technology in education was examined through a gender lens. She said the report highlights progress in the reversal of discrimination against girls over the past two decades, but also exposes the negative impact of technology on girls' education opportunities and outcomes. 

Atrocity Prevention 

World Should Rally to Halt Unfolding Atrocities in Darfur (Human Rights Watch) 

“Hundreds of thousands of civilians are at risk of again becoming victims of atrocities, this time in the North Darfur city of El Fasher, amid fighting between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), as well as allied militias. Fighting began in April, and the last week has seen fierce clashes in and around the city, including deliberate attacks on civilians, burning of residential neighborhoods, and indiscriminate bombing and shelling.”  

Don’t look away: The Taliban’s mistreatment of women has global ramifications (Atlantic Council) 

The Taliban’s well-documented oppression is more than just a problem for the women and girls of Afghanistan. The country’s misrule is a signal to the world that gender-based discrimination can be ignored—even condoned. This perpetuates impunity and poses a grave risk of normalizing extremists. It’s time for those who built the international human rights system to step up and defend it.” 

Sudan: UN and African Union must act swiftly to prevent mass atrocities in El Fasher (Amnesty International) 

“Civilians are caught in the escalating violence in Sudan’s El Fasher city. The international community including the African Union and the United Nations must act urgently to prevent atrocities in El Fasher and its surrounding villages, to protect civilians and ensure perpetrators are held to account.” 

General WPS 

Caribbean Leaders Pave the Way for Women's Leadership in Peace and Security (UN Women)  

“The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Caribbean National Action Plan Convening, co-hosted by Our Secure Future and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), took place from May 13th to 15th, 2024.” 

A Conversation with Dr. Geeta Rao Gupta, Ambassador-At-Large for Global Women’s Issues, U.S. Department of State (Council on Foreign Relations, Women and Foreign Policy Program) 

“A discussion with Ambassador Rao Gupta on women’s political representation, violence against women, and new U.S. policy initiatives to advance gender equality and UN Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security.” 

The Nordics in NATO: Women, Peace and Security and Regional Defense (The Peace Research Institute Oslo)  

“With the new strategic reality of war in Europe and the inclusion of all Nordic countries in NATO, strengthening Nordic defense cooperation must explicitly consider gender equality and Women, Peace and Security (WPS). This ensures legitimacy and diverse voices in national and regional defense debates, enhances public awareness and engagement, enables mobilization, and grant insights into population security implications.” 

Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina are drivers of peace and a safer environment for all (United Nations)  

“Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina have led peacebuilding, advocacy, and support to victims of conflict and violence across the country for decades. Their experience and knowledge have also inspired women leaders across the world. Yet, their critical contributions have often been overlooked and inadequately supported at home.” 

Ailing Democracy and Declining Women’s Representation: How They Are Related and What to Do About It (Council on Foreign Relations, Women and Foreign Policy Program) 

“Annual reports on the health of democracy this year reaffirmed an ongoing trend of decline, which has occurred alongside a less heralded but related stalling of women’s political participation. Given that women make up half of the world’s population, a greater focus on promoting women’s political empowerment can help rescue the world’s ailing democracies.”

Notable Events (Past and Upcoming) 

April 30, 2024 - Launch Event for “Institutionalizing Women, Peace and Security: The Role of Gender and WPS Advisors in the U.S. Government” (Our Secure Future)  

“On April 30th, 2024, Our Secure Future led a thought-provoking event aimed at exploring and addressing critical issues surrounding the institutionalization of Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) principles within the United States Government.” 

March-June, 2024 - Gender Perspectives on AI and the Rule of Law in Africa (UNESCO) 

Organized by UNESCO and Lawyers Hub, this series of four webinars explores the gender dimensions of AI's impact on rule of law and human rights in Africa. 

June 6, 2024 - The Day After Conflict: Women’s Meaningful Participation in Post-War Ukraine (U.S. Institute of Peace) 

“Since Russia’s large-scale invasion in 2022, Ukrainian women have worked relentlessly to build on their already considerable contributions to civil society…Women will be instrumental to any sustainable peace and recovery in Ukraine. And as the country waits for the day after conflict to finally arrive, it’s important to ensure that women are prepared and knowledgeable about peace processes and negotiations for the day after conflict.” 

June 18, 2024 - Forced Displacement in MENA and its Gendered Impacts (Wilson Center) 

“To mark World Refugees Day, please join the Middle East Program for an expert panel to discuss the gendered impacts of forced displacement across the Middle East & North Africa. They will address how patterns of forced displacement; what the unique challenges that women and girls face are, and how policymakers can better address their needs and generate conditions of safety, security, and prosperity, among other issues.” 


Fellowship: Empowering Young Women Experts in Regional Security and Foreign Policy Program (Casimir Pulaski Foundation) 

“The Casimir Pulaski Foundation is accepting 8 fellows from Central European countries to foster future female leaders, civil society heads, decision-makers, diplomats, and peacebuilders. Finalists will publish a policy paper with the Foundation, collaborate with experts in their field of interest, participate in Warsaw Security Forum 2024, and have the opportunity to permanently join the Pulaski Foundation team.” 

Women, Peace, and Security Fellowship (The Pacific Forum)  

“The Pacific Forum has a Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Fellowship opportunity for young academics and professionals to conduct research and support WPS programming in fields such as inclusive health security, cybersecurity, climate security, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief, preventing and countering violent extremism, and maritime security, with a focus on the promotion of women’s participation in peace and security policy at international levels in dialogues, policies, and peace processes.” 

Program Associate (Women’s Foreign Policy Group) 

“The Program Associate assists the Executive Director in all aspects of WFPG’s operations, including policy program planning, external engagement and outreach, membership collaboration, communication, and administration. The Program Associate manages WFPG’s Mentorship and Internship programs.”