Our Secure Future Launches the WPS National Action Plan Academy

Our Secure Future (OSF) is delighted to announce the inaugural Women, Peace and Security National Action Plan Academy.

The first regional convening of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) National Action Plan Academy was held May 13th to May 15th, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Our Secure Future partnered with UN Women to bring together over 35 participants from the Caribbean, including government officials, regional partners, leaders from women’s and civil society organizations, and donor country representatives. The attendees participated in an intensive three-day workshop focused on designing and adopting high-impact National Action Plans (NAPs) in the region. Members of the newly appointed WPS Advisory Council of Trinidad and Tobago also participated. 

Since the establishment of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 in 2000, over 100 countries have adopted WPS National Action Plans. These country-specific policy frameworks are created collaboratively by governments, regional institutions, and civil society to implement the WPS agenda. WPS NAPs are vital tools for outlining a country's objectives on WPS and addressing regional peace and security challenges. 

Through expert-led discussions, the workshop provided participants with actionable strategies and tools to help them prepare, design, and implement impactful WPS NAPs. The workshop facilitated cross-sector collaboration, highlighting the importance of gender equality in peace and security processes. Participants shared best practices in overcoming barriers, reaffirming their commitment to women's meaningful participation in addressing the Caribbean's security challenges.  

OSF Vice President Sahana Dharmapuri remarked, "We are grateful to the government of Trinidad and Tobago for hosting this important regional convening, and to our partners at UN Women. The OSF WPS National Action Plan Academy and its partners aim to assist governments in creating high-impact National Action Plans that are designed to fit the local context and priorities, are created in partnership with civil society, and can translate policy commitments into positive impacts in real peoples' lives.” 

Read more about Our Secure Future’s WPS NAP Academy here 

Read UN Women’s press release about the convening here. 

Photo: Representatives of Caribbean states, United Nations organizations and Our Secure Future at the WPS National Action Plan Academy convening in Trinidad and Tobago. Photo credit: UN Women