Opinions & Insights

Blog pieces written by OSF and guest authors

OSF Opinions & Insights

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Showing 247 items for Opinion and Insights
Lexie Van Buskirk
December 11, 2017

Women, Peace and Security: There's an Act for That! (Part II)

As of October 2017, the United States has domestic legislation that mandates women’s full and equal participation in peace and security issues. In the second installment of this three-part series, we highlight how the Act will boost gender equality.
Lexie Van Buskirk
December 04, 2017

Women, Peace and Security: There's an Act for That! (Part I)

As of October 2017, the United States has domestic legislation that mandates women’s full and equal participation in peace and security issues. In the first of this three-part series, we highlight the events that led to the new Act's passing.
November 06, 2017

Gender Equality in Coastal Sub-Saharan Africa

Threats to maritime governance include a lack of good governance ashore. Guest writer Kelsey Soeth of Oceans Beyond Piracy discusses the relationship between the participation of women and the fisheries sector in particular in sub-Saharan Africa.