May 14, 2021

Women, Peace and Security Congressional Caucus Overview

The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Caucus was officially established in January 2020. The WPS Caucus seeks to ensure that the WPS goals stated in UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and in the Women, Peace and Security Act are actively considered national security and foreign policy priorities for ...
Erin Cooper
January 18, 2021

Teaching the WPS Agenda in a Changing Security Landscape

In October 2020, Our Secure Future: Women Make the Difference partnered with the Dallaire Centre of Excellence for Peace and Security within the Canadian Defence Academy to examine how to advance understanding of the WPS Agenda in the professional military education context.
Stephenie Foster
Susan Markham
Sahana Dharmapuri
January 06, 2021

Concrete Steps Toward a Feminist Foreign Policy

This paper seeks to do one thing: to make recommendations about how a feminist foreign policy could be operationalized within the US government.
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