Welcome to Our Secure Future


Our Secure Future (OSF) works to strengthen the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda to build a more peaceful world through ensuring women’s full participation in governance. Our Secure Future’s purpose is to ensure the effective incorporation of gender perspectives into peace and security decision-making at the international and national level because this leads to better security outcomes for everyone.




OSF works to amplify women’s voices and gender perspectives.
We strive to strengthen the global network of Women, Peace and Security stakeholders.
We promote action by multiple stakeholders to turn policy into practice.
Connect women peacebuilders to the larger policy and practitioner community.


Our Goals

Improve WPS Implementation
41 countries directly engaged on WPS National Action Plan development
Turn Policy into Practice
Spearheaded bi-partisan WPS Congressional Caucus established by OSF
Increase Policymakers' Capacity
55 WPS trainings and technical assistance given to policy decision makers

What is Women, Peace & Security?

Women, Peace and Security recognizes the critical role women play in conflict prevention, resolution and peacebuilding.

The video is part of the materials produced in partnership with the Dallaire Centre of Excellence for Peace and Security and is made possible through a grant from the Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) program in the Canadian government.



Lets Talk WPS

Check out our WPS messaging guide, featuring training videos, social media campaigns, polling projects, fact sheets, and more. 

Sahana Dharmapuri, Director of Our Secure Future, presented at the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation



Canadian Defence Academy

Our Partners

Our Secure Future partners with organizations like the Atlantic Council and the McCain Institute for International Leadership to advance the policy and practice of Women, Peace and Security. 

Wilson center public panel